Who We Are

About Leon

Leaon Limited is a Kenyan based Agro-Business Company incorporated under CAP499 laws of Kenya. The Firm’s overall focus is to respond to the ever-increasing need for sustainable and demand-driven solutions to problems of food and nutrition insecurity , food waste and loss, unstructured market systems for agricultural produce with a view of establishing or revamping sustainable rural economy and profitable farming. The company has diverse functional expertise in provision of high quality services in agricultural production, processing and marketing

The company’s expansive network of strategic farmers, aggregators, processors, vendors, and institutions has accorded adoption of vast technologies in enhancing access and promotion of nutritious foods, fair-trade, biodiversity and conservation of valued crops

Other focal areas of engagements with structured partnerships include promotion of climate resilient and adaptive solutions, renewable energy transitions and modern technology in agriculture (Agri-tech). As a result, the firm is analytically competent in, and is always at pace with cutting edge issues relating to agricultural innovations, environment and economic development, sustainable food production and processing and application of renewable energy and sector-wide approach (SWAP) on value chains

Leaon Limited works with a team of collaborators to enhance access to a variety of innovatively packaged, affordable and reliable products and services. These include blended food packs, customized services, and structured linkages through our B2B e-commerce platform that integrate market intelligence and promote awareness amongst the growing network of consumers


Strategic Direction

Increased Production and Productivity

Leaon promotes use of quality inputs and technologies in production among smallholder farmers, farmer producer organizations and enterprises to increase quality production

Food Security, Safety and Structured Marketing

We offer innovative solutions that aid in structured marketing, monitored aggregation, product traceability, innovative processing and packaging with a view of enhancing food security, food safety , improved nutrition and market linkages

Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

Leaon enhances strategic collaborations with multi-stakeholders and various partners in achieving common goal with an effort to enhance client retention, customer relations and creating positive impacts

Resource Mobilization

Leaon has vast technical and practical experience in offering diversified products and services, fundraising and in implementing rigorous financial management models

Agronomic Quality Control

We offer Technologies, Innovations, and Management Practices (TIMPs) to safeguard against crop or food loss and waste

  • Leverage on new technologies and innovations for profitable farming, sustainable markets, socio-economic growth & food distribution
  • To be a leader in provision of affordable, safe and quality foods for consumers in Kenya
  • Professional, effective and informed by relevant science
  • Respect and value for local knowledge and innovations
  • Creative, flexible and innovative


Reduce Poverty

We help in reducing poverty among smallholder farmers by offering sustainable solutions in quality agricultural production, structured marketing and through fair trade

Stregthening Resilience

Stregthening resilience and adaptive capacities for farmers and enterprises in agribusiness by promoting climate smart agricultural practises, renewable energy in agriculture through partnerships for sustainable agro-environment

Reduce Hunger

Reducing hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition by promoting affordable, innovative, adaptive, resilient, sustainable solutions in value addition and processing of agricultural produce

Our Team

Board of Directors