
Leaon Overview

Leaon Limited is a Kenyan based Agro-Business Company incorporated under CAP499 laws of Kenya. The Firm’s overall focus is to respond to the ever-increasing need for sustainable and demand-driven solutions to problems of food and nutrition insecurity , food waste and loss, unstructured market systems for agricultural produce with a view of establishing or revamping sustainable rural economy and profitable farming. The company has diverse functional expertise in provision of high quality services in agricultural production, processing and marketing

The company’s expansive network of strategic farmers, aggregators, processors, vendors, and institutions has accorded adoption of vast technologies in enhancing access and promotion of nutritious foods, fair-trade, biodiversity and conservation of valued crops

Other focal areas of engagements with structured partnerships include promotion of climate resilient and adaptive solutions, renewable energy transitions and modern technology in agriculture (Agri-tech). As a result, the firm is analytically competent in, and is always at pace with cutting edge issues relating to agricultural innovations, environment and economic development, sustainable food production and processing and application of renewable energy and sector-wide approach (SWAP) on value chains

Leaon Limited works with a team of collaborators to enhance access to a variety of innovatively packaged, affordable and reliable products and services. These include blended food packs, customized services, and structured linkages through our B2B e-commerce platform that integrate market intelligence and promote awareness amongst the growing network of consumers